May 05, 2014

Hiroshi's Story

I just found out that the blog post I had made for Hiroshi (Hiro for short) is missing. Then I remember, Right.. I had put that on my guild's Blog, not this one. Herp-a-derp!

So I shall tell the world of Hiro's story.

(‎Friday, ‎January ‎17, ‎2014, ‏‎1:31:52 PM)

Last year, March 2013, an Abandoned cat started entering my apartment building. Well one day this lady attacked the poor thing with her keyring which had like 10 or more keychains attached. So I decided to let the cat inside for a while to protect him from this lady. I called a few animal shelters plus the ASPCA and they all refused to come get him. To them he was a 'stray'. No way this cat is a stray. Strays are ferrel and run from humans. This cat was someones pet and was abandoned. It's very easy to tell by the way he acts towards people.

So we kept him until the constant rain and snow stopped. After it cleared up we had to put him back out because of apartment rules. One cat per apartment.

  A month later we find out that the landlady took him in, got him fixed and adopted him out to one of the other tenants. Well.. last night.. we found him outside. this poor thing had been abandoned again. Not only that but he doesn't have claws.. either they cut them WAY too short (cause that flesh that you see on the claws is still there) or the vet did a TERRIBLE declawing job. But he has NO claws and they left him outside.

I'm against declawing! it causes too many problem. Physical and behavioral.

Mom picked Hiro up (its what we been calling him) and he FREAKED out. Last time we had him back in march, he didn't act like that. I picked up a stack of sailor moon manga to take in my bedroom.. he backed away from me, ears back and all, scared of me as though I was gonna hit him with the books! With time and care he finally calmed down.

So not only was his claws trimmed wrong/declawed wrong, the neighbor had abused in some way..
So after telling the landlady about how we found him again out in the rain, she said we could keep him. Yay! We get to break apartment rules! Well July comes up, landlady takes Hiro to the vet for his shot. Vet says, "He needs to be kept away from other cats for 24 hours in case he gets sick." So back to that abusive neighbor he goes. Nice Job land lady! Neighbor was only suppose to keep him for a day, she kept him for a whole month. She said she wanted to try to have him around again, that she had allergy medicine now and can handle him.

Well before July ended, we get a phone call. "GET THIS FUCKING CAT OUT OF MY APARTMENT NOW! HE JUST TORE MY LEG UP!"

Yup.. Once again we had to calm our Hiro down. That whole night we stayed up with him, we watched a movie with him, and did our best to sooth him.

The landlady finally made it official for us to keep him as long as the other tenants don't really ask questions about us having 2 cats.

It's been a full year now since we've first picked Hiro up. I count March as our saving Hiro originally.. if it weren't for the landlady he would have been happy from the start.
(‎Tuesday, ‎June ‎11, ‎2013, ‏‎2:58:18 PM)

Now to add in one thing. Hiro and our older cat Zeke, they do not get along at all. But on occasion we'll get to have cute moments like these:

(‎Tuesday, ‎April ‎29, ‎2014, ‏‎2:50:12 PM)

(‎Sunday, ‎March ‎02, ‎2014, ‏‎9:58:16 AM)
(Friday, ‎October ‎11, ‎2013, ‏‎4:32:42 PM)