May 10, 2013

Japanese; Reasons and Excuses

So today, I was bored and while searching for things about Rosetta Stone, I found a youtube video that pretty much listed reasons NOT to get the program. I found it funny and true and decided to watch this guy's other videos. After splitting my gut open from laughing at his videos, I decided to take a look at one of his sites.

His list says to write out the reasons I want to learn Japanese and the things that are holding me back. So I am going to start with Why I want to learn and what all got me started and the story behind that.

Why do I want to Learn Japanese?

I want to learn Japanese to become a translator. A Translator for people to communicate when needed, and to translate manga professionally. I also wish to visit Japan some day and want to actually make friends in their own language and possible help them learn mine.

What started you on this?

When I was 13 an anime aired and I fell in love with the Theme Songs. The music and how things sounded
so beautiful and I was enraptured. So yes, when I was younger my reasons were "Because anime is so cool." but that has changed over the years.

My Excuses For Not Studying:

1. I am in the process of saving up money for a premium Japanese Pod Account.
2. I keep getting distracted and it is a VERY bad habit that I am working on. (My Main Problem)
3. The Area I live in does not have any Japanese programs near me that are cheap.
4. I am overly shy so talking to new people scares me and causes my anxiety to rage.

So Here is my list of reasons and excuses!

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